Speak italian… With your hands!
If you are new in Milan you should know that, in order to speak italian well, you will need more than your mouth and tongue…
… In fact, all the people here speak Italian also with their hands!
If you have ever met an Italian on your way, does not matter if from North or South, from a big city or a small village, for sure you have realized that Italian people “speak” with their body too. It is something with a difficult explanation but it is a great and funny way to put more emphasis on what they say.
In this article, we are going to show you the most famous italian gestures, with the help of some D&G male models (girls will be happier than guys now). We bet that it will be really helpful during your stay in Italy!
Are you ready to speak italian like Italians do? Enjoy!
1) “WTF!”: in italian “Ma che cazzo!”
This is very common in daily life and probably the most famous italian gesture! Italians use it in different situations and it is a good way to avoid the word “cazzo”… not a very polite one! Many foreign people think that Italian always do this gesture… And italians usually answer: “WTF are you saying?”
2) “Nothing” or “No way!”: in italian “Niente!”
Diego, have you studied for the upcoming exams? Nothing!
3) “Are they togheter?” (Relationship) in italian: “Sono insieme?”
This is commonly used by gossip girls and guys: “I met Sam and Patty yesterday at the pub! Are they together?”
4) “I don’t care” or “I don’t give a sh*t” in italian: “Non me ne frega niente”
This one is not polite at all and people could be offended if you make this gesture when they are speaking.
Imagine one person saying to you: “Do you want to know my plans for the weekend?” You look into his/her eyes and, without saying any word, you say: “No, I don’t give a sh*t!”. Definetely not a good choice!
5) “To be afraid” in italian: “Avere paura”
This gesture has become quite famous in Italy because a comedian used it to make fun of a crime novelist saying “Paura eh?!” (Are you scared, aren’t you?!). In general, it’s used to make fun of someone who is afraid or scared by something. For example: “I saw you a bit strange at the party with the clown! Were you scared?”
6) “Keep calm” in italian: “Mantenere la calma/Stare tranquilli”
If you live in Milan you have probably noticed that people are always in a hurry and they run from place to place… Don’t be like them: Keep calm, and enjoy your Erasmus in Milan!
Example: “We are late for the lesson guys, the alarm did not work! Keep calm, we can go by taxi!”
7) “Perfect” in italian: “Perfetto”
When you see someone making this gesture, he’s saying that he agrees with your ideas or that he is very satisfied with something that he made.
Example: “How was the concert yesterday night? It was perfect!”
8) “Get out of here!” in italian: “Fuori dalle palle!”
You can use it when you are having a bad time in a place and you want to go away, with the meaning: “guys, why don’t we get out of here?!” Or you can also say to someone that you are not enjoying his/her company: something like: “I am tired of you, get the hell out of here!
9) “F**k off!” in italian: “Vaffanculo!”
This is worldwide known as the “Umbrella gesture”. For sure, the most unpolite gesture of the list.
I’m sorry to tell you this, but If you are not enjoying your time in Milan, well…
If you want to see the complete video on YouTube, click here and enjoy it!